by | Sep 10, 2024

How to Remove Water from Swimming Pool: 5 Easy Methods


Why Draining Your Pool is Important

Wondering how to remove water from swimming pool efficiently? Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Electric Pool Pump: Drop the intake hose in the pool center, position the outlet hose, and turn on the pump until water is 6-12 inches deep.
  2. Garden Hose Siphon: Submerge one end of the hose, place the other end away from the pool, and let gravity do its job until the water level drops to about 6-12 inches.
  3. Submersible Pump: Connect to a garden hose, submerge, and pump out until a few inches of water remain.
  4. Sump Pump: Position outside the pool, attach a discharge hose, and allow slower removal down to residual water.

Draining your pool is a crucial task to maintain its longevity and ensure safety. Whether it’s for replacing the pool liner, addressing environmental issues, or for winterization, do it right. Improper draining can lead to significant damage, including loss of shape, mold growth, and sun damage to the liner. So, knowing the proper techniques and precautions is key.

I’m David Brabant, owner of Creative Edge Pools, with over thirty years of experience in the swimming pool industry. I’ve tackled countless projects involving how to remove water from swimming pool safely and efficiently.

Steps to Remove Pool Water - how to remove water from swimming pool infographic infographic-line-5-steps

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How to Remove Water from Swimming Pool

Using an Electric Pool Pump

An electric pool pump is a quick and efficient way to remove water from your pool. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set Up the Intake Hose: Place the intake hose in the center of the pool. Ensure it reaches the deepest part for maximum efficiency.
  2. Position the Outlet Hose: Lay the outlet hose flat on level ground to avoid clogs. Direct it to a suitable drainage area.
  3. Turn on the Pump: Plug the pump into a ground-fault interrupter outlet for safety. Turn it on and let it run until the water level is about 6-12 inches deep.
  4. Frequent Checks: Regularly check the pump to ensure it’s not clogged or sucking in air, which can damage it.

Using a Garden Hose Siphon

If you don’t have a pump, a garden hose siphon can be a simple and effective alternative.

  1. Submerge the Hose: Fully submerge the hose in the pool until no more bubbles appear, indicating it’s filled with water.
  2. Siphon Technique: Cover one end of the hose with your thumb or palm. Quickly move this end to your desired draining location, ensuring it’s below the pool’s water level.
  3. Multiple Hoses: For faster draining, use multiple hoses. Repeat the siphon technique for each hose.
  4. Frequent Checks: Monitor the hoses to ensure continuous water flow and adjust as needed.

Using a Submersible Pump

A submersible pump is designed to operate underwater, making it a fast and efficient choice.

  1. Garden Hose Connection: Attach a garden hose to the pump. Ensure a tight connection to prevent leaks.
  2. Submerge the Pump: Lower the pump into the deepest part of the pool. Secure it with a rope if necessary.
  3. Quick Removal: Turn on the pump and let it quickly remove the water. Keep an eye on the process to avoid the pump running dry.

Using a Sump Pump

A sump pump can also be used, though it’s generally slower than a submersible pump.

  1. Outside Pool Placement: Place the sump pump outside the pool, at the lowest point.
  2. Discharge Hose: Connect a discharge hose to the pump. Ensure it’s directed to a proper drainage area.
  3. Slower Removal: Turn on the pump. It will slowly remove the water. This method requires patience but is effective for gradual drainage.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage how to remove water from swimming pool using various methods. Each method has its pros and cons, so choose the one that best fits your situation and equipment availability.

Draining Pool Water with Different Filters

Draining a Pool with a Cartridge Filter

Cartridge filters have two main methods for draining water:

  1. Using the Drain Plug:
  2. Turn Off the Pump: Always start by shutting off the pump to prevent any damage.
  3. Unscrew the Drain Plug: Locate the drain plug at the back of the filter and unscrew it.
  4. Turn the Pump Back On: Switch the pump on to let the water flow out. Monitor the water level carefully.
  5. Reattach the Drain Plug: Once the water reaches the desired level, turn off the pump and screw the drain plug back in.
  6. Using the Drain Valve:
  7. Turn Off the Pump: Safety first—always shut off the pump.
  8. Rotate the Valve: Locate the valve between the pump and filter. Rotate it to block water from entering the filter.
  9. Turn the Pump On: Switch the pump back on to let the water drain out from the opening.
  10. Return the Valve: Once the water level is correct, turn off the pump and rotate the valve back to its original position.

Draining a Pool with a Sand Filter

For sand filters, the process is straightforward:

  1. Turn Off the Pump: Always start by shutting off the pump.
  2. Roll Out the Backwash Hose: Extend the backwash hose to a suitable draining area.
  3. Rotate the Multiport Valve: Turn the valve on the filter to the “Waste” position. This directs water away from the filter.
  4. Turn the Pump On: Switch the pump back on to start draining. Keep an eye on the water level.
  5. Return the Valve: Once the water level is where you want it, turn off the pump and rotate the valve back to the “Filter” position.
  6. Roll Up the Hose: Pick up the backwash hose to drain any remaining water and roll it back up.

Draining a Pool with a DE Filter

Draining a pool with a DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filter involves a few key steps:

  1. Turn Off the Pump at the Breaker Box: Manually shut off the pump to ensure safety.
  2. Rotate the Multiport Valve: Turn the valve to the “Waste” position.
  3. Turn the Pump Back On: Switch the pump on to begin draining the water.
  4. Monitor the Water Level: Keep an eye on the water level and turn off the pump once it’s at the desired point.
  5. Return the Valve: Rotate the valve back to the “Filter” position.
  6. Turn the Pump Back On: Finally, turn the pump back on to resume normal operation.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage how to remove water from your swimming pool using different types of filters. Each method ensures that your pool is drained safely and efficiently, preventing any potential damage to your pool system.

How to Get Water Out of Pool Without a Pump

Step-by-Step Hose Pipe Method

Draining your pool without a pump might sound tricky, but it’s quite simple using the hose pipe method. This method relies on gravity and air displacement, making it an effective way to remove water from your pool without any fancy equipment. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Get a Long Hose Pipe

First, you need a long hose pipe. Make sure it’s long enough to reach from the pool to the area where you want to drain the water. Important: The hose should be free of any holes. Holes can break the vacuum needed for this method to work.

Step 2: Insert One End of the Hose into the Pool

Next, place one end of the hose into the pool. Ensure it’s about an inch or 1½ inches from the pool floor to avoid it sticking to the bottom like a magnet. For best results, place the hose in the deeper end of the pool.

Step 3: Position the Other End

Position the other end of the hose at a lower level than the pool. Gravity will do the work here, so make sure the draining area is downhill from the pool. This ensures a smooth flow of water.

Step 4: Suck Out Air

Now, you need to create a vacuum. Suck out the air from the hose by using your mouth. Do this quickly and repeatedly until water starts flowing out. Be careful not to swallow the water as it may contain chemicals. Once the water starts flowing, gravity will keep it moving.

Step 5: Scoop Remaining Water

After a while, the hose will stop draining as it reaches the lowest level it can. At this point, you will need to scoop out the remaining water manually. Use containers or any suitable scooping tool to remove the leftover water.

Hose Pipe Method - how to remove water from swimming pool

Pro Tip: You can use multiple hoses to speed up the draining process.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage how to remove water from your pool without a pump. This method is not only simple but also cost-effective.

Next, we’ll discuss Important Considerations When Draining Your Pool to ensure you avoid any potential damage and keep your pool in top condition.

Important Considerations When Draining Your Pool

Draining your pool is not just about removing water; it’s also about ensuring that your pool remains in good condition during and after the process. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind:

Loss of Shape

Water plays a crucial role in maintaining your pool’s shape. When you drain your pool, you remove the support that keeps the structure stable. This is especially important for vinyl and fiberglass pools, which are more prone to warping or collapsing.

Tip: Choose a day with favorable weather conditions to drain your pool. Avoid doing it during extreme heat or cold.


An empty pool can quickly become a breeding ground for molds. This is particularly true if the liner is not completely dry before storage. Molds can damage the liner and create an unhealthy environment.

Action Step: Once the pool is drained, thoroughly dry the liner and take steps to prevent mold growth. Store the liner in a dry, ventilated area.

Sun Damage

Without water, your pool liner is exposed to the sun’s UV rays, which can cause warping and other damage. Water acts as a protective layer against these harmful rays.

Fact: Sun damage can significantly shorten the lifespan of your pool liner.

Preventive Measure: If you need to leave your pool empty for an extended period, consider covering it with a UV-resistant tarp.

Weather Conditions

Weather plays a significant role in the draining process. Draining your pool during or after heavy rainfall can lead to the pool rising out of the ground due to the high water table.

Warning: Never drain your pool after rainy weather because the ground is saturated, which can cause the pool to pop out.

Optimal Conditions: Aim to drain your pool when the weather is dry and the temperature is moderate. Experts suggest 85 degrees is the best temperature to drain a pool.

Optimal weather conditions for draining a pool - how to remove water from swimming pool infographic 4_facts_emoji_nature

By keeping these considerations in mind, you can ensure that the draining process is smooth and that your pool remains in top condition.

Next, we’ll dive into Frequently Asked Questions about Pool Water Removal to address common concerns and provide additional tips.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pool Water Removal

What is the easiest way to remove water from pool?

The easiest way to remove water from a pool is by using an electric pool pump. These pumps are designed for efficiency and speed. Simply connect the intake hose to the pump and place it in the pool. Attach the outlet hose to direct the water to your desired drainage location. Turn on the pump and monitor the process.

Pro Tip: Always ensure the pump is on level ground to avoid tipping over and perform frequent checks to prevent any issues.

How do I get water out of my pool without a pump?

Don’t have a pump? No problem! You can use a garden hose siphon to remove water from your pool. This method relies on gravity and air displacement. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Submerge the Hose: Fully submerge a long hose in the pool until no more air bubbles escape.
  2. Cover One End: Use your thumb or palm to cover one end of the hose.
  3. Position the Hose: Move the covered end to your draining area, ensuring it is below the pool’s water level.
  4. Start the Siphon: Uncover the hose end and let the water flow out naturally.

Tip: You may need to scoop out any remaining water with containers once the siphon stops.

What is the best way to empty a swimming pool?

The best way to empty a swimming pool depends on your specific situation and available equipment. Here are a few methods:

  • Electric Pool Pump: Fast and efficient, ideal for large pools.
  • Submersible Pump: Quick removal, suitable for both inground and above-ground pools.
  • Garden Hose Siphon: Simple and cost-effective, great for smaller pools or if you lack a pump.
  • Sump Pump: Slower but effective, especially if placed at the lowest point in the pool.

Case Study: A resort used a gas-powered pump to quickly drain their pool, refilling it with fresh well water from a nearby fire hydrant. This method ensured they could maintain their pool’s chemical balance efficiently.

By choosing the right method, you can remove water from your swimming pool quickly and effectively, ensuring it stays in top condition for years to come.

Next, we’ll explore How to Remove Water from Swimming Pool to provide detailed, step-by-step instructions for each method.


Removing water from your swimming pool may seem daunting, but with the right methods and tools, it can be straightforward and stress-free.

Summary of Methods

  1. Electric Pool Pump: This is the most efficient and quickest method. Simply connect the intake and outlet hoses, place the pump on level ground, and monitor the process.
  2. Garden Hose Siphon: Ideal if you don’t have a pump. Submerge the hose, cover one end, position it below the pool’s water level, and start the siphon.
  3. Submersible Pump: Effective for quick removal. Connect a garden hose to the pump, place it underwater, and let it do the work.
  4. Sump Pump: Slower but reliable, especially useful when placed at the pool’s lowest point.

Importance of Proper Draining

Properly draining your pool is crucial to maintaining its structure and longevity. Draining too quickly can cause damage, especially to vinyl and fiberglass pools, which can warp or collapse. Always monitor the draining process and check for any signs of structural stress.

Creative Edge Pools Services

At Creative Edge Pools, we understand the intricacies of pool maintenance and removal. Our family-owned business in Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire specializes in designing and installing custom gunite swimming pools and spas. We offer comprehensive backyard development services, including landscaping and masonry, custom to your vision.

Whether you need help with draining your pool or you’re considering a complete pool removal, we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us today to transform your backyard into a paradise.

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By following these steps and using the right methods, you can safely remove water from your swimming pool, ensuring it remains in top condition for years to come.


Pool Water Removal Made Easy: Step-by-Step Instructions

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